Sensational Singapore – Travels Mantra

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Sensational Singapore

April 14, 2016
Travels Mantra

Welcome To Singapore

Singapore, an island city-state off southern Malaysia, is a global financial center with a tropical climate and multicultural population. In circa-1820 Chinatown stands the red-and-gold Buddha’s Tooth Relic Temple, Little India offers colorful souvenirs and Arab Street is lined with fabric shops. Singapore is also known for an eclectic street fair, served in hawker centers such as Tiong Bahru and Maxwell Road…

Culture Of Singapore

Singapore history dates back to the third century. It was a vassal state of the Chola Empire and was ruled by ancient Indian kings before being founded and named by Sang Nila Utama. The island was ruled by various sultanates until 1819 when the British came to the island and set up a port and colony. During British rule, the port of Singapore flourished and attracted many migrants. After independence in 1965, Singapore made its own way.

  • History Of Singapore

It has a diverse populace of over 5.47 million people which is made up of Chinese, Malaysia, Indians, and Eurasians (plus other mixed groups) and Asians of different origins.

  • Meritocracy

“The system of meritocracy in Singapore ensures that the best and brightest, regardless of race, religion and socio-economic background, are encouraged to develop to their fullest potential. Everyone has access to education, which equips them with skills and knowledge to earn a better living.”Indeed, the Education in Singapore ensures that primary education is compulsory for all children of age 7 to 12. Parents have to apply for exemptions from the Ministry of Education in Singapore in order to exempt their children under this compulsory rule with valid reasonings.

  • Social harmony

Singapore is a secular immigrant country. The main religions in Singapore are Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism. Respect for different religions and personal beliefs is heavily emphasized by the government.
To demonstrate the importance of imparting racial harmony knowledge to the youths, schools in Singapore celebrate Racial Harmony Day on 21 July annually. Students come to school dressed in different ethnic costumes, and some classes prepare performances regarding racial harmony.

Places to Visit Singapore / Popular Destinations At Singapore

    • Central Area
    • Palau Ujong
    • Temasek
    • Woodlands

Night Clubs in Singapore

    • Moshi Moshi Singapore
    • Canvas Singapore
    • Avalon
    • Club V2 Pub
    • Attica

Sensational Singapore

Sensational Singapore